Cerebrate Blog.

Explore strategies for skill development

Student in classroom using working memory executive functioning skill

What is Working Memory?

Posted In Skills

Working memory is a foundational component of executive function, describing the ability to store and recall information to complete tasks. Students with strong working memory skills are equipped to remember and apply crucial information, follow multi-step directions, and utilize strategies to stay focused on their work. These abilities empower students, improve their academic performance, and […]

December 22, 2024 Read More
Task Initiation

What is Task Initiation?

Posted In Skills

Task initiation is one of the core executive function skills that students need to succeed academically and beyond. It refers to the ability to begin tasks, assignments, and projects without procrastination. Students with strong task initiation skills are self-starters who begin assignments promptly, allowing themselves enough time to complete them successfully. They typically have a […]

August 8, 2023 Read More

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