For Schools.

Support educators and students

School Applications

Cerebrate offers a versatile, customized solution for schools to address the unique needs of its students and educators. School leaders can evaluate the best uses for Cerebrate and create a simple implementation plan to meet their goals.


General Classroom Needs

Cerebrate provides a tool for classroom teachers to address common challenges in their classrooms, like lack of motivation and engagement.


Intervention Support (RTI, MTSS)

Cerebrate lessons and educator guides provide interventions to be used for whole-class, small group and individual levels to meet the specific plan needs.


Individualized Goal Support (IEP)

Cerebrate provides evaluation and progress monitoring tools in addition to the lessons teachers need to help students meet specific executive function goals.


Specific Skill Class Content

Cerebrate provides content for skill development classes that are teaching students specific skills like organization, planning, time management, social skills, communication, self-awareness, focus.


Standardized Testing Preparation

Cerebrate provides tools to prepare for standardized testing, including memory techniques, attention strategies, idea organization, and anxiety coping skills.


Team Collaboration

Cerebrate provides the opportunity for teams of educators to work together by sharing student goals, assessments, lessons, successes, and challenges on the platform.

Application Highlights


Shellie teaches a class of well-behaved, quiet 6th grade students in a public New Mexico middle school. Her students struggle with reading and writing. Most have expressed how difficult it is to stay calm during tests, and that their anxiety causes them to shut down and second guess their answers. Shellie taught two Cerebrate lessons, Conquering Test Anxiety and Create a Card. Students evaluated why they felt anxious and created a plan to manage those feelings.

The students were actively engaged in addressing their issues, and they realized others struggled with similar anxiety. They enjoyed coming up with strategies for tests, like using sticky notes of affirmation. During the state testing that followed her lessons, Shellie noticed a significant change in the students’ level of confidence and ability to stay calm. Her students shared that they used strategies like focusing on their breathing and reassuring themselves, and that during the test, they reminded themselves that they knew the answers to stay confident.


Julie provides math intervention to a group of three male students at a public charter high school in Arizona. The students are all labeled “at-risk” and have little parental involvement at home. Julie noticed that when her students didn’t understand, they got angry and instead of asking for help, they got off task. Julie taught the Cerebrate lessons, Stay on Task and On Task List. The students became more aware of how often they were losing track of time, and they quickly made the connection with how much their phones were distracting them, especially when they were frustrated.

They enjoyed using index cards to track the number of times they were distracted and were surprised at the end of the week with how many times they picked up their phones. The next day, the students turned in their phones at the beginning of class, and they saw their productivity increase significantly. The students explained how much more powerful it was to see it for themselves, and Julie watched as the students took ownership of staying on task during class.

Why Cerebrate for Schools

Cerebrate provides a solution for schools that is simple, custom, and effective.


  • The program is easy to implement with little training needed
  • The lessons are compatible with most emotional and behavioral programs
  • Your team can utilize the simple assessment and monitoring tools


  • The curriculum is individualized to meet student needs
  • The program is versatile enough for all staff to benefit
  • The intervention strategies are practical and applicable to learning


  • The program has proven results for students
  • A solution that can support staff and increase satisfaction
  • The curriculum is rooted in science and research

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